I must start this blog with an apology to any fans who thought they’d never hear from me again. I was beginning to wonder myself if I would ever get back to being a keyboard warrior but, as you may know, one of my humans has become a published author and I can’t get a look-in on the laptop these days.
I thought once she’d got her debut novel ‘Lottery Loveboat’ on the market, things would go quiet, but she appears to be busier than ever.
If she’s not emailing people encouraging them to buy the book and review it, she’s sending PR material to newspapers and magazines to secure coverage, or writing posts for social media.
I have to admit that the hard work seems to have paid off. There was a big piece in the Penzance Voice the other day with more to come in The Packet series, a glossy magazine, and a community paper in the Midlands.
Yesterday evening, she was interviewed live on Tiffany Truscott’s BBC Radio Cornwall show, which caused a lot of excitement in the house.
I can’t promise to offer the glitz and glamour of a proper writer, but I hope you’ll continue to enjoy my doggy tales – when I can get my paws on the keys!